Parish School of Religion provides a Christian curriculum with an emphasis on being Catholic. It is available for grade school children enrolled in public school or are homeschooled. Parents are encouraged to enroll their school aged children, grades 1st through 8th, in Parish School of Religion. Parents are an important part as withough them, the kids wouldn't be able to come! Parents are much appreciated!!
Sacramental Prep - 2 concurrent years of preparation will be required for the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. It is traditional for these two sacraments to be celebrated in the spring of each year. These are Holy Sacraments and are required for full admittance into the Catholic church.
First Holy Communication - Typically celebrated in 2nd grade
Confirmation - Typically celebrated in 9th grade
There are no age restrictions to receive sacraments. Life happens! If you or your child has not received these sacraments and are over the suggested age, please contact Kim Sanders at [email protected] or call the office for more information.
Click on the image of the schedule to download a copy!
Click HERE for the registration forms. ****Registration ends November 8th****